10:00 - 19:00
Seven days a week


  • Product Code: Shapka-bini-0018
Розмір 55-58
Cotton 100%
  • Availability: In Stock
200.00 руб.
This product has a minimum quantity of 50
Package includes:
  • legendary glasses
  • original hard case
  • branded box
  • microfiber cloth with logo
  • product data sheet
  • branded package Never Hide
  • discount card -15%

Shipping and payment

Delivery by Novaposhta

The speed of delivery to any branch of New mail in Ukraine is fixed by the operator, but usually does not exceed 1-3 calendar days.

In cash

Cash payment upon receipt of the goods.
Cash on delivery at Nova Poshta (you must have a passport or driver's license with you).

Visa и MasterCard

Payment for the order on the Privatbank card.
Delivery of goods is possible only after confirmation of payment.

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